Monday, April 14, 2008

Blowing Coat………

Here is a perfect example of an Anatolian "Blowing Coat"

He's one of our outside LGD's. So, his coat is blowing in the wind and probably aiding a bird with nesting at this time of year, April

As you can see, that wonderful full winter coat just comes out in chunks

Brushing will hasten its journey in blowing and feel wonderful for your Anatolian.
Noticed that not all bloodlines blow coat like this boy. Some are minimal. All love to be brushed

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Here Come The Goat Kids

Our first kids this year are from our LaMancha doe, Shadow. This is her second time kidding. This time with a buck (black/white) and a doe (fawn)

Dilara loves the new kids and keep an eye on them wherever they go. And they do love to explore